Contest FAQs

Q: How do I submit images?

A: You can submit your images using the MPA Contest site:    To submit 2 free images, you need the password for your MPA club, which you can get from your club's MPA rep. Otherwise, it is easy to use the site and enter your photos.


Q: Do I have to be a member of an MPA club to enter the contest?

A: You do not have to be a MPA club member. You can enter the contest as a "non-club member."  After you create an account, you can enter up to 4 images, paying for them in groups of 2 or all 4 at the same time.


Q: What is the MPA club code, and how do I get it?

A: There are many photography clubs in Maryland Photography Alliance Inc (MPA), and each club has a unique code. If you are a member or one of the MPA clubs (, contact your club to obtain the code.


Q: What if I forget my password?

A: If you don’t know your password, simply click “Forgot Your Password?” on the Login screen. The email address you signed up with will get an email with a temporary code. Be sure to go to My Profile to change the code to a new password that you will remember.


Q: I forgot my password and received a default password. How do I change my password again to make it simpler?

A: On the My Profile page, where change your personal information, in the bottom left corner, is a check box for changing your login credentials. Check that box and choose Update to get the screen that lets you change your password.


Q: My MPA home camera club is not the one I want to submit images under. Can I do this?

A: You can submit images for the club of your choice, regardless of what is listed in your profile. When you select Enter Images, just use the code for the club you prefer.


Q: My phone number changed after I entered images. I changed it in My Profile, but it didn’t change under the images. 


A: After the images are submitted, their associated data can't be changed. It's okay, if you win, we will contact you by email. Your new number will appear in our next contest.


Q: Can I submit photos I took with my phone’s camera?

A: You are welcome to submit “phone photos.”


Q: What are the size limits and requirements?

A: The MPA contest has only two restrictions: Files must be in JPG format, and they must be 5MB or smaller. There are no other rules, so you can decide about the other details when you export your image from your software.


Q: Can I change the images after they are submitted?

A: You can change your images or update the data about them at any time up to the contest end date. Log into the contest site. Select "Contest" from the menu at the top right. You will see the images you submitted. Click the "Click to Edit Entry" option at the top of the image. The next screen gives you the option of replacing the image.

Q: Why was my image rejected?

A: Typical reasons for rejection are that a watermark is on the image, or the image is clearly in the wrong category. You have until the last day of the contest to fix and resubmit an image.


Q: What is the purpose of the selling price on the entry submission form?  What are the implications if no amount is entered.  Is the price for selling a print or for selling the digital image?

A: The MPA contest system has a default spot for a price. Many of our winners get to display their images in a gallery show, so the price is important. If your image is chosen for display, but you don’t want to sell the image, you can leave it blank or set to $0.


Q: I am not sure about the selling price. Can I change it later?

A: You can change information about your image, and you can even change the image, anytime until the last submission day of the contest. To make changes, sign into to the contest and go to the images. The edit option is in the top right corner of each image.


Q: I submitted 4 pics and have a particular order for the photos. Is there a way to control the order of view?

A: The MPA contest program puts your images on your submission screen in alphabetical order by image title. For the contest, the judges see the images in a random order. There is no way to identify you or the order of your images.


Q: Where are the new contest rules regarding AI?

A: There is a link to the Contest Rules at the very bottom right side of every screen. Please review them for information.


Q: Are nudes permitted in the current contest?

A: MPA believes that any image can be submitted, and that our judges know how to determine what is artistic and suitable for an award. A good photograph will compete well but is also subject to the prohibitions established in any gallery where contest winners will be displayed.


Q: What are the requirements for a model release? 

A: The MPA Contest Rules say, "You will obtain model releases as necessary." This topic is usually unique to each photographer and situation. MPA is not in a position to provide advice or clarification about what could become a legal question; however, you may want to search Google or other sources for more information about using model releases in your specific situation.


Q: If I win, do I have to print and provide the image for any show that may take place.

A: Any winning photographer, notified of a gallery show for the winning images, may choose to participate or not. If you choose to participate, you are responsible for printing and presenting the image for the show. All details are provided at the end of the contest.